Park Reservations:


Members can pay with link below for park. The fee is $20 an hour with a 3 hour minimum. Please visit the Pavilion Rental and Calendar page to learn more.


Payment for Estoppel Letters or certificate:


If you need an Estoppel Letter from the Spring Valley Farms Community Association to complete a real estate transaction, we’ll be happy to supply it. The cost is $250.

Please process the $250 fee through PayPal below, please be sure to fill out all fields so that we know which house the letter is for, and where to email the letter.

Once your payment has been received through PayPal, one of our officers will send you the Estoppel Letter, generally within three business days If we can email it to you, even better and quicker. If an email will not suffice, please email the email address in the confirmation email you receive to receive the letter by postal mail.


The Spring Valley Community Association is run entirely by voluntary members who serve on the board in a variety of positions such as Park Operations, Security, Membership etc.

Below are the links to all the positions and the current contact details for the different roles.

House Checks

Heading out of town, and would like to request a house check?

Below are the links to read more about the House Check programs offered by Seminole County and the City of Altamonte.
Seminole County

City of Altamonte Springs

Florida Sex Offender Database:

With the summer rapidly approaching, please look out for suspicious activity within the neighborhood.  The Florida Department of Law Enforcement maintains the Florida Sex Offender Database which contains public record information on offenders classified as sexual predators and sexual offenders under Florida law because of a conviction for a sex-related crime and/or a specified crime against children. This information is made available to interested citizens to help them educate themselves about the possible presence of such offenders in their local communities. The placement of information about an offender in this database is not intended to indicate that any judgment has been made about the level of risk a particular offender may present to others. This information is made available to assist interested persons in forming their own risk assessments based on the offender's personal circumstances and conviction history. Go to the “Offender Search” button to search for offenders and predators by name, or by city, county, or zip code. Go to the “Neighborhood Search” function to search for offenders and predators living within a 5 mile radius of any address. Below is a link to the Florida Sex Offender Database: Florida Offender Alert System



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  • Quickly get the word out about a break-in
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  • Find out who does the best paint job in town
  • Ask for help keeping an eye out for a lost dog
  • Find a new home for an outgrown bike
  • Finally call that nice man down the street by his first name